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LinkedIn Best Practices for Business

Posted on March 17, 2022 by Megan Hamlin

In past blogs, we have discussed best practices businesses should follow on Facebook and Instagram. In this blog, we will be discussing best practices businesses should follow on LinkedIn. Having a LinkedIn presence for your business increases your brand awareness and trust.

If your business doesn’t have a LinkedIn page, you’re missing out on new connections, followers, employees, and customers. 

LinkedIn is especially good for discovering leads. HubSpot found that LinkedIn is 277% more effective at generating leads than Facebook and Twitter!

43% of marketers say they have sourced at least one customer from LinkedIn.

To get started with your LinkedIn page and to make sure you’re doing all the right things, keep reading below for LinkedIn best practices.

Creating Your LinkedIn Page

When you create your LinkedIn business page, make sure you optimize your page to get noticed and to build your following.

Provide as much detail about your business as possible. This includes:

  • A robust About section
  • Tagline
  • Location
  • Website URL
  • Industry type
  • Company size
  • Phone number
  • Year founded
  • Specialties

Companies with complete profiles get 30% more views.

Keep in mind Google indexes your LinkedIn page, so be strategic when writing your about section. Work in natural-sounding keywords and detail your company’s vision, values, products, and services. 

Your profile image should be your logo. And make sure you have a branded or related cover image.

Lastly, you want to add a custom button. Some examples include:

  • Contact Us
  • Learn More
  • Visit Website

Sharing LinkedIn Content

Companies that post weekly see two times the lift in engagement with their content. Be sure to include images with your posts. Images result in a two times higher comment rate. Image collages (posts with three or four images) perform especially well for organizations.

To maximize your ROI, here are some ideas on what you should post.

  1. Company Updates and News: LinkedIn is a great channel to share your updates that showcase your company culture. Did you celebrate an employee’s birthday? Did you host a baby shower for an employee? Did someone within your company get a promotion? Did you hire someone new? Did your office get a new, furry mascot? Or did you have a big anniversary party? Whatever it was, be sure to create content around it. People love putting names and faces with a company. It makes a company more relatable and personable.
  2. Open Jobs: Looking to hire? Post open jobs on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a business professional network. Posting open jobs on LinkedIn will get you more traction compared to Facebook and Instagram.
  3. Product Launches and Feature Enhancements: Keep your audience up to date on your new products or services. Take it a step further by creating content detailing how to use your products or services.
  4. Statistics: Show off your case studies in a fun way! Statistics that stand out can be created into visually appealing infographics. Infographics are shareable and easily digestible.
  5. Company Wins and Milestones: Did your company win an award? Did your company get recognized in a big publication? Spread the good news! However, be sure this isn’t the only type of content you are posting. It’s great to celebrate, but people want to know how you can help them, too. Not just how “amazing” you are.
  6. Company Leader Highlights: People buy from people, not companies. Highlight your employees and leaders. Share their bios, why they do what they do, and be sure to include fun, quirky content about what they like to do outside of work, too. 
  7. eBooks: Have you created an eBook? Or checklist? Or another type of guide for your website visitors to download? Make sure you promote it on LinkedIn.
  8. Third-party Content: As we said above, don’t talk about yourself all the time. Share industry-related content from reputable sources that align with your values and mission. Be sure to comment your thoughts about the article/post as well!
  9. Blogs: Your website should have a blog. How do you get people to read it? By posting those blogs on your social media channels, like LinkedIn. 
  10. Videos: Video is five times more likely than other types of content to start a conversation among members. LinkedIn members spend almost three times more time watching videos compared to reading static content.

Other Important LinkedIn Marketing Tips

  • Advertising: If you want to reach a whole new audience with your content, advertising is the way to go. There are several different ad formats to choose from, and the targeting options are pretty extensive, which help to make sure you are reaching your target audience.
  • Optimize Posts: Be sure to include related hashtags in your posts so you can be found with other relevant, trending topics.
  • Employee Involvement: As you develop your page, encourage your employees to follow and engage with it. Ask each employee to list your company as an employer, as this will link their profile to your page and vice versa. Your employees are some of your best brand advocates. This is especially true on LinkedIn, where employees have an average of 10 times more first-degree connections than a company has followers.
  • Hashtag Feeds: Associate up to three hashtags with your page so you can react and comment in those hashtag feeds from the perspective of your brand, exposing your name to a wider, relevant audience. 
  • Metrics: Learn more about your audience and content by analyzing metrics. Analyzing data will tell you what your most engaging content is, demographic information, follower trends, as well as tell you how your page is performing compared to your competitors. You’ll be able to adjust your strategy based on this data.

Improve Your Social Media Strategy

LinkedIn can bolster your brand awareness, trust, and social activity. By following these LinkedIn best practices, you can engage new customers, employees, investors, and followers!

If your social media strategy needs some help, we would be happy to help! Get in touch with us today, and we can partner with you to grow your business. Give us a call, or fill out the form below.

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About the author:

Megan Hamlin

Senior Digital Marketing Specialist

Connect on LinkedIn

Megan is the Senior Digital Marketing Specialist at Torx. She is responsible for social media marketing, search engine marketing, content marketing, and email marketing. Getting clients qualified leads is her biggest goal. When she isn’t on Facebook or writing a blog, she can be found analyzing data to see how she can improve her digital marketing efforts.