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Sending Cold Emails

Posted on April 22, 2021

If you prefer to send the same email to 500 people on your lead generation list, this blog post is not for you.

On second thought, maybe it is, and we can change your mind!

In Business Development, I work a lot on lead generation, and that comes with sending a copious amount of cold emails to prospective clients. When sending cold emails, it’s essential to cater individual emails to each prospect and go from there. Be thoughtful in your approach by researching and qualifying each prospect on your lead generation list.

But how does one create the best email for that prospect? In this blog post, I’ll tell you how to write cold emails that get responses.

Don't write a novel.

When someone doesn’t know who you are and they open their email and see a long email, chances are they will skip right over it. You have to provide value to your prospect. Quick and to the point. What is something that will be catchy yet effective in capturing your reader’s attention?

Don’t forget to put a memorable subject line as well! A subject line is the first thing your reader will see.

It's not about you.

Don’t spend so much time talking about how awesome you are.

I’m sure you are indeed awesome, but remember, it’s about your prospect’s pain point and your solution. They don’t care about how many awards you have won. Tell them why you are reaching out and offer how you can help them.

You are not a robot.

Beware of trying to sound so professional that you lose your human tone.

I’ve read back through some of the emails I sent in my early business development days, and I cringe at robot-Bree. Take a little extra time to re-read your emails to make sure your tone matches both your company’s personality and your personality!

People are so acquainted with accepting piles of tedious messages from their inboxes. Regardless of whether it’s an attempt to sell something, send newsletters, etc., the default demeanor toward our inboxes has gradually returned to accepting that it isn’t offering us anything of significant worth.

Show your value and offer a solution.

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