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10 Facebook Post Ideas For Businesses

Posted on May 13, 2021 by Megan Hamlin

You’ve decided to create a Facebook business page for your business. Great!

After all, 51% of HubSpot poll respondents reported using Facebook for product research. Once you’ve added a killer About section, chosen an enticing cover photo and profile image, listed your services or products, and included all your contact info (phone number, email address, and website link), you will be ready to begin posting.

But do you need some Facebook post ideas?

Don’t worry. A lot of business owners don’t know what to do when it comes to creating an awesome social media content strategy. This blog will kick start your creative juices and provide you with a jumping-off point for Facebook content ideas.

Maintaining a Facebook profile is a sure-fire way to show people that you run an active business.

Keep that in mind when you’re posting. You are going to want to post more than once a week and definitely more than once a month. Aim to post at least five times a week.

Does that seem daunting? Below, we’ve compiled 10 creative Facebook post ideas that you can use to generate engagement, drive traffic, and boost conversions.


Employee Spotlights

People love putting faces to a company. Show off your team! This is helpful so people will know exactly who they will be working and interacting with. You can also feature news like when an employee has a birthday, a work anniversary, or even personal stories like when an employee gets a new pet or has a baby. People love warm and fuzzy content!


Behind the Scenes Content

People enjoy seeing how you do business.

Posting behind-the-scenes content allows people to peek behind the curtain and understand the day-to-day operations of your business. For example, if you’re a home improvement company, share behind-the-scenes content of your contractors’ processes (prepping a home, safety guidelines they follow, demoing, installs, etc.).

*Home improvement scenarios will be used throughout the blog.


Ask Questions

Don’t be afraid to ask your followers questions so you can gain valuable insight into how they think and feel. This will generate meaningful conversations between your business and customers, which will build their trust in you.

For example, you could ask your followers what their least favorite home maintenance chore is and provide tips and tricks to make things easier for them.


Tutorials and How-Tos

If you sell a product, post product tutorials showing people how to use your product and how the product will make their life easier. You can create videos or infographics for this type of content.


Share Industry-Related News and Content

If there’s topical industry news, share it and provide feedback. For example, if there’s a new tool out, you can share it and provide your review of the tool and if it’s worth the hype.


Share User-Generated Content

Building trust with your audience is very important. If people have had great experiences with your business, they will want to share those experiences! And what better way to persuade other people to use your product/service than with content from real people who saw real results with what you offer. This is called social proof. People are 14% more likely to trust recommendations from someone like them rather than a business employee. This content can be pictures of people using your product or even videos.



Videos get the most engagement out of all content types. Post videos as often as you can. You can post videos of how-tos and product tutorials, user-generated content of people using your products, or even get people on camera giving you a rave review.



Driving traffic to your website is important. You want people to view your website and buy your product or service. You can do this by promoting your blog content on social media. Make sure your blogs answer frequently asked questions and are helping people solve a problem.



Be proactive! You want your Facebook page to be a place where people can go and find the answers they are looking for about your product, service, or business in general.

Compile a list of the most popular questions you get from people and make Facebook posts around them. Make everything as easy as you can for the potential customer.


Create Polls

Just like questions, polls are a great way to gain insight into your audience and to see what makes them tick.

Polls are fun, too, because people can see how other people vote! You could also create polls asking people what type of content they enjoy seeing the most on your page so you have better ideas of what to post more of in the future!

Content Marketing for Social Media

These Facebook business post ideas will help you create an engaging business page. People will be able to come to your page to learn more about your business, what you have to offer, and to develop and nurture their relationship with your company.

Once you’ve accumulated enough post content, be sure to check out your Facebook Insights. This will give you a good sign of what type of content resonates best with your audience and what messaging gets the most engagement. Plus, you can see when your audience is online the most, helping you determine when you should post content.

If you need help developing your social media marketing strategy further or would like even more Facebook post ideas, we would love to help! Give us a call at 804-577-8679 or fill out the form below to contact us.

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