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Creating a Social Media Strategy for Your Business in 2023

Posted on December 22, 2022 by Megan Hamlin

If you are thinking of jumping into social media marketing this new year, great! From 2021 to 2022, social media users increased by more than 10%. Social media is now used by 4.62 billion people around the world! Reaching your target audience has never been easier.

No matter your industry, you’re most likely to find your ideal customers on social media. But if you aren’t sure where to start, you’re in the right place.

Having a well-thought-out strategy is the first order of business. After you have your social media strategy in place, you’re ready to create a social media content calendar.

Keep reading to learn what a social media strategy should consist of and what to include in your social media content calendar. 

Creating a Social Media Strategy

What is a social media strategy? A social media strategy is a blueprint that outlines your social media goals, the tactics that you will use to achieve those goals, and the metrics you will track to measure your success.

A social media strategy will also list the roles and responsibilities within your social media team, posting cadence, and engagement plan.

Setting Social Media Goals

Let’s start with social media goals. Social media goals are what you want to achieve with social media marketing. These goals can include:

  • Increase brand awareness 
  • Manage brand reputation
  • Increase website traffic
  • Improve brand engagement
  • Boost conversions or leads 
  • Recruit employees

Bonus points if your goals are SMART. Specific. Measurable. Achievable. Relevant. Time-bound.

Defining Social Media Tactics

What social media tactics will you use to reach your social media goals? These tactics can include:

  • Deciding which social media platforms to use and if you’ll use paid social media as well
  • Creating a social media calendar 
  • Figuring out the best times to post for each social media platform you will be using
  • Establishing a posting frequency (how often you will post on each social media platform)
  • Brainstorming what type of content you will share (educational content, entertaining content, informative content, content that will promote your business, curated content from industry experts, user-generated content, etc.)
  • Creating that content in the form of shareable graphics, infographics, blogs, downloadables, and/or videos (and what tools you’ll use to create this content – Canva, Photoshop, etc.).
  • Scheduling social media posts in advance based on the social media calendar
  • Dedicating time to social media listening 
  • Setting aside time to go LIVE

Leverage social media properly, and you’ll reap the benefits of better brand awareness, loyal fans, high engagement levels, and improved conversion rates.

Choosing Social Media Metrics to Track

The wonderful thing about social media marketing is that you can track almost every single detail. The art of effective social media marketing is understanding which metrics matter most to your business based on your social media goals.

Here are some of the best social media metrics to track to see the success of your content and the impact your content is having on your audience.

  • Engagement
  • Reach
  • Followers
  • Impressions
  • Video Views
  • Profile Visits
  • Mentions
  • Tags
  • Shares
  • Click-through-rate
  • Conversion rate
  • Cost-per-click

To read more in-depth about these specific social media metrics, read our earlier blog.

Making a Social Media Content Calendar

Once you have your social media strategy in place, it is time to create a social media calendar.

A social media calendar is an organized view of your upcoming social media posts organized by date.

A social media calendar typically includes:

  • The date and time you will publish a social media post
  • The social network where it will be published and format (feed post, Story, Reel, poll, Live stream, etc.).
  • Copy and creative assets
  • Links and tags to include

Social media calendars can take many forms like a spreadsheet or interactive dashboard if you choose to use a social media management tool.

Social media calendars keep you from posting content on the fly, which can be more prone to typos, tone problems, and other mistakes. A social media calendar is a more efficient way to see your social media strategy through!

Social Media Marketing Services

If this all sounds overwhelming, don’t worry. We get it. It’s a lot to take in! That’s where we come in. We would love to chat with you about your social media goals and how we can help you accomplish them! Give us a call today at 804-577-8679 or fill out the form below.

Let's Chat!

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About the author:

Megan Hamlin

Senior Digital Marketing Specialist

Connect on LinkedIn

Megan is the Senior Digital Marketing Specialist at Torx. She is responsible for social media marketing, search engine marketing, content marketing, and email marketing. Getting clients qualified leads is her biggest goal. When she isn’t on Facebook or writing a blog, she can be found analyzing data to see how she can improve her digital marketing efforts.