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#TorxTips: Greatest Hits

Posted on September 8, 2016

We love sharing our #TorxTips with our clients and followers, as well as fellow business owners and marketers. So here they are, all in one place! Let us know which ones you find most helpful, or if you have questions we can help you with.


  1. Share good, relevant content from other businesses on your company’s social media, and don’t be afraid to borrow ideas from your competitors. Successful social media marketing is about genuine engagement, not shameless self-promotion.
  2. Forget about short attention spans, because readers love long-form content and engage with it just as much, if not more, than short snackable content.
  3. Your website should convey a clear, concise message to your audience about who you are and what you do.
  4. Think about common questions your customers ask when you’re coming up with content for your business. Provide those valuable answers in the form of a blog post, Facebook video, tweet or e-book, or something creative and useful!
  5. Ask your customers to help you create content for marketing! Get permission to use their comments, reviews, photos and other feedback on your company’s social media.
  6. Bad online reviews are painful, but they must be addressed promptly, professionally and out in the open, if possible. Censoring comments is obvious and will put a bad taste in visitors mouths, but you have a chance to impress those visitors with how diplomatically you handle a complaint.
  7. Revise and reuse old blog posts that are “evergreen,” meaning they can be repurposed and recycled throughout the year. Fix typos, update facts and figures, add better visuals or, better yet, add in links to your other content!
  8. Stay up to date with news in your industry and find great content to share on social media but curating news feeds. Feedly is a great way to condense your blog sources, and Google Alerts scour the internet for the latest news on your chosen topics. Here’s how to make them work together.

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  1. Content with images receives more than 90% more views than content without images.
  2. Your followers want more than company content. Make sure you’re not only posting company-specific posts on social media accounts.
  3. Social media is the new customer service! Respond to your customers’ messages in a sincere and timely manner, on the same channel where they first contacted you – phone call, Facebook message, tweet, DM, etc. Remember: Happy customers are your best ambassadors 😊



  1. Use Facebook Insights to determine the best time to post. You might be surprised to learn your fans love to click on your content first thing when they get to work, during their evening commute, or at night when they should be asleep.
  2. 13407011_10154211995952440_2804190568974006413_nNatively-uploaded videos receive better organic reach, compared to shared outside links from sites like Vimeo or Youtube. Better yet, upload the video to Instagram and share it to your Facebook page from there.
  3. Use LikeALyzer to get an outside opinion of how your Page is performing, and use their tips to improve your strategy.
  4. Make Facebook think you’re a person, not a company. Facebook gives your posts better organic reach if it thinks you’re a regular user, so try to trick Facebook by uploading your posts directly from mobile, using non-stock photos and adding emojis to your text: 😎 📷 📲 = 💯
  5. Avoid sharing YouTube links, and upload them directly instead for better reach. Facebook is trying to crush YouTube’s hold on video, so make YouTube your repository and use Facebook and Instagram where you get engagement.
  6. Content with cute animals/children has been scientifically proven to perform better than anything else on social media. Plus, working with influencers is super trendy at the moment. So it follows that 🐶 📱 = the greatest growth-hacking technique ever. ()


  1. Use Twitter Analytics to see which tweets perform the best, then use the winning “formulas” to craft your future tweets. Identify which topics or formats are most appealing to your audience.
  2. Watch out for spammy bots when following other accounts. We guarantee they aren’t your target audience, even if they follow back.
  3. Take advantage of Lists to keep tabs on what your favorite industry leaders, partners, clients or inspiring brands are doing. Use these lists to better engage with the users you like best, and to find retweetable content.


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  1. Unify your brand’s feed by using the same filter, a common spot color, or another motif that reflects your brand in each post.
  2. Maximize your 30 hashtag limit to better target your audience. Copy brands in your niche and save bundles of 30 hashtags to easily copy-paste into your varying posts. (Bonus points for adding the hashtags into a separate comment so that they stay hidden in the feed!)


  1. Every day, once a day, give yourself a present ☕
  2. Puppies and/or kittens also earn you more likes IRL.
  3. Don’t look at anything on the Internet or TV if you don’t want any spoilers.
  4. Don’t spit into the wind.
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