When was the last time you read a headline or report or study declaring that social media is addictive or terrible or deceptive or depressing for everyone? Probably yesterday. And it seems like we all need to take a social media detox and give up our phones until we can find balance or learn to be present again.
So if you’re stuck spending hours on Twitter or Instagram each day, how can you mitigate the side effects? If we have to spend time in these spaces, how can we cope when they become toxic?
It’s so refreshing to hear influencers and bloggers admit when they feel bored or exhausted with social media, because we all understand the reasons why. But I’m having a hard time finding advice and resources for less glamorous marketing professionals like myself. A brief Google search unearthed listings for past events, some ebooks for sale and this article (lol marketers), but nothing easily accessible or free. So maybe it’s up to us marketers to create our own resources to help each other.
Personally, my approach tends to involve limiting non-essential exposure. I find that spending so much time on social media during the work week means I’m barely interested in opening those apps during the weekend, because I definitely need a break from Facebook and Twitter. (However, Pinterest is still my happy place). But that’s just my approach, and it doesn’t feel like a real solution. That’s why I’m calling on you, my fellow marketers.
Please reach out to us on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter to share your thoughts and tips!