Ten of Taylor’s angstiest anthems, reimagined as ballads about those websites that never called you back and broke your heart.
Looking at the past, user expectations were simple
We suffered slow dial-up speeds, I remember
But now the internet is fast
And attentions spans don’t last
‘Cause we’re all busy (we’re so busy)
Just want to give your page a glance
But we won’t give your site a chance
The pinwheel keeps spinning, spinning, spinning
So shame on you ’cause
I only visit sites that work on my smartphone
And I’m bouncing now, oh
“Nice to meet you, where you been?
Join our email subscription here
So we can bother you again”
Saw your pop-up and I thought
Oh my God, leave me be
I’m a person, not a lead
Please let me browse privately
This payment portal is reckless
This online transaction is treacherous
And I, I, I don’t trust it
Clicking through every link on your list
Your navigation menu has me asking why
Can’t I find what I need in the blink of an eye, eye, eye
You don’t have to email anymore
I won’t click on your links
This is the last straw
Because your marketing stinks
Now we got problems
And I don’t think we can solve ’em
Because your website was built in Flash
And the usability is terrible, hey!
I tried to call, I took a shot
Your number should be on your site, but it’s not
You should show pictures, and employees’ names
But your stock photo shortcuts make your business look lame
You could talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me
But your business isn’t even on social media so good luck
Someday, I’ll be shopping on a site that’s mobile-friendly
And all you’re ever gonna be is unresponsive.
For your sake, we sincerely hope that your website provides users with a positive experience. But if it doesn’t, help is available. Just fill out the form below or give us a call at 804-577-8679.