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Social Media News – Week of 12/15

Posted on December 16, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-12-16 at 11.51.29 AMIt may be close to the end of the year but that doesn’t mean it’s time to let your social media strategy fizzle out. If anything, you should be evaluating what did and didn’t work this year and using that information to make next year’s plan even better. You should also be checking out what’s changed in the world of social so that you can be on top of the latest trends for your new social strategy. Luckily for you, we’ve rounded up some of the major changes so that you don’t have to dig around to find out what’s new!


Facebook has informed audiences that they’ll soon begin dropping the organic reach for posts (which you can read more about in one of our recent social media wrap-ups here). However, it seems that they’ve heard the rallying cries against this because they’ve just introduced specific targeting for organic posts which is similar in function to sponsored post targeting. It will be very interesting to see how this affects the reach, impressions, and engagement of future Facebook posts.

On the note of upgrading page posts, Facebook has also recently added some new calls to action that you can add to your posts. These include “Book Now,” “Contact Us,” “Use App,” “Play Game,” “Shop Now,” “Sign Up,” and “Watch Video.” According to their news post, this feature will roll out in the US over the next few weeks and worldwide over the next year.


Speaking of calls to action, Tumblr has just added some CTA buttons as well. These include “Buy,” “Pledge,” and “Get Involved,” buttons which link to Etsy, Kickstarter, Artsy, and Do Something. If you use any of these sites it may be a good time to set up a Tumblr account for your business!

In another money-making move, Tumblr has also added “Install App” calls to action. These CTAs motivate people who are scrolling through their Tumblr feed on mobile devices to download an app; businesses that use apps should look into this new form of advertising.


Photo-heavy posters rejoice! Twitter has recently introduced photo filters that are very similar to the ones found on Instagram. This is a smart move for the platform; now businesses and users can edit photos within the app without having to go to a third party platform to edit their pics. We’ve got a feeling that you’ll start seeing much higher quality pictures in your feed.


Love GIFs? Then you’ll love the newest feature introduced on YouTube! As of right now YouTube is offering their “Creators” (high profile personalities on their platform) the ability to create GIFs out of video clips. However, don’t despair just yet – there’s a sign-up form available for those who aren’t currently eligible for this feature.


Google+ is taking a page out of Facebook and Twitter’s playbooks with their most recent move. You can now pin a post to the top of Google+ profiles and pages. This new feature will allow you to showcase your most important post at the top of your page. While Google may have been slightly behind the curve on this, it’s still a smart move for the platform.

Now’s the time to start thinking about next year’s social media posts. Check back in each week to find out what else is changing in the world of social and how each change will affect your digital marketing strategy!

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