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Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That: Slow Websites Equal Lost Sales

Posted on February 25, 2017 by Christopher Rhines

Fast is better than slow. Now is better than later. Speed is an important part of everyday life, one that has become all the more vital with today’s expectation of instant results. Speed is also a vital part of your customer’s relationship with your website, one which you simply can’t afford to overlook.

Since 2010, Google has been using their proprietary algorithm, known as PageSpeed, as a weighting factor in results. That means that the slower a site is, the further down in the search rankings it shows up. The speed factor has only grown in importance over the past few years, and companies with extremely slow websites have experienced decreases in SEO rankings – sometimes by as much as fifty positions. In a competitive environment where 42% of users click the very top link in their organic search results, a slow website can be a business killer.

Even if users do happen to find their way to your site, they won’t stay long if they have to wait for a bloated page to load, especially if they are viewing it on their phone. In fact, a study by Akamai found that a whopping 40% of e-commerce customers abandoned pages that took more than three seconds to load. Furthermore, a one second delay in total page load time resulted in an incredible 7% reduction in sales!

At Torx, page speed matters to us just as much as it matters to you. We only use the best techniques to deliver content quickly and efficiently to phones, desktop computers and everything in between. To find out how we can supercharge your site, give us a call at 804-577-8679 or fill out the contact form below.

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About the author:

Christopher Rhines

Partner, Director of Development

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Christopher is the Director of Development and one of the partners at Torx. In addition to keeping Torx's Richmond office firing on all cylinders, he can often be found deep in the trenches, building custom content management systems and WordPress-powered websites. He still remembers how to write Basic computer programs on Apple IIs and Commodore 64s.