Your website needs to speak to your customers. No, I don’t mean that you should get an animated Max Headroom to greet your customers when they arrive on your home page. What I mean is that your website needs to speak to your customers in the best way possible in order to connect with them.
So how do you do this?
First, I would suggest writing your website’s copy so that it clearly defines the benefits for your customers, instead of just generically talking about your company’s products and/or services. For instance, if your company is a landscaping service, you might be tempted to simply list the various types of work you do: lawn mowing, pruning, mulching, etc. However, if you position these services as a way for homeowners to be able to spend more quality time with their families (instead of doing yard work), that will likely connect with them better and help them to see the value in the services that you offer.
The next strategy that we have found that works very well is to tell stories with your website’s content. Again, it’s one thing to simply talk about your products and services and the benefits they may have. However, being able to tell a story about how your products and services have benefited your customers can be much more compelling. This kind of storytelling is also very relatable for your prospective customers who may be trying to envision how your company could help them. Creating case studies is one popular and very effective execution method of this storytelling strategy. If you have a particular customer who has greatly benefited from your company, ask that person if they would be willing to be featured on your website to tell their story. As a bonus, video storytelling is an excellent delivery method when crafting this type of content. In the end, your potential customers are much more likely to be convinced by your website’s content when they can relate to it and can feel the emotional impact of how your company helped them.
Lastly, always remember that you are creating your website for your customers, not for you. We find it helpful to always keep this idea top of mind throughout the website process. It can sometimes be tempting to focus the website on the company itself, it’s history, and give factual information about your products. And while all of those things are important and necessary elements for your site, it is important not to lose focus of what your typical website visitor really cares about: how it will benefit them.
In the end, if you can communicate your brand’s benefits in a genuine way (with stories) with a focus on how your customer will benefit, then you will create a much more effective selling tool for your business. If you need assistance with how to properly craft your site’s message, we’d love to lend a hand. Simply contact us and we’ll be happy to consult with you on how best to craft your message.
About the author:
Jeff Pollard
Partner, Director of Technology
Jeff is one of Torx's founding partners and serves as the agency's Director of Technology. He built his first website back in 1996 and has never looked back. Jeff wears many hats at Torx: front-end designer and developer, server administrator, and resident Apple enthusiast.