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Don’t Forget to be Social With Your Audience During a Pandemic

Posted on March 20, 2020 by Jeff Pollard

Well, there’s a headline I never thought I’d write. Clearly, the world is in the midst of an unprecedented situation. I don’t think anybody thought the most memorable buzz words of 2020 would end up being things like “social distancing”, “shelter in place”, or coronavirus. I think it’s safe to say that we’re all pretty shell-shocked to some degree from the daily news reports.

The Importance of Staying Social During this Pandemic

But even during these uncertain times, I feel that it’s important that brands continue to engage with their audiences. And by this, I certainly don’t mean sending the generic email blast that says, “We see this pandemic and we’re taking it very seriously.” Sure, that’s a nice PR move. But at this point, I’ve received virtually the same email from every bank, restaurant, grocery store, and nonprofit organization that has my email address. We get it. You’re on top of this situation.

I’d like to remind brands that it is ok to continue to engage with your audience in normal, appropriate ways. In other words, don’t lose your brand voice during all of this. After all, we’re all sitting around cooped up in our own homes, most likely with mobile devices in our freshly washed (and chapped by now) hands. And since we’re all practicing physical distancing, why not find ways to build your virtual engagement.

Use Humor Sparingly

However, it’s also important to remember that since many people in society have a lot of feelings of anxiousness and uneasiness, you’ll want to keep any humor lighthearted and sensitive to your audience. Find ways to relate to your audience in ways they’ll appreciate, but not in ways that will make them uncomfortable.

We're All In This Together

So don’t forget to continue to be social with your audience during this time. After all, we’re all in this situation together. Make your brand part of the ongoing conversation as we all work our way through this.

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About the author:

Jeff Pollard

Partner, Director of Technology

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Jeff is one of Torx's founding partners and serves as the agency's Director of Technology. He built his first website back in 1996 and has never looked back. Jeff wears many hats at Torx: front-end designer and developer, server administrator, and resident Apple enthusiast.